News |
08.05.2006 |
Prime Minister's Economic College on privatisation model proposals |
Members of the Prime Minister's economic college were briefed today on reports by the advisory committee for the finalisation of privatisation of Triglav Insurance Company Ltd, the advisory committee for the preparation of the plan and the timeline for transparent and gradual withdrawal of Kapitalska družba pokojninskega in invalidskega zavarovanja (Capital Corporation of Pension and Disability Insurance), and Slovenska odškodninska družba (Slovenian Reimbursement Fund) from the active management of companies, and their transformation into portfolio investors.
At the meeting the PM Janez Janša thanked the heads of the committees, Dr. Rajko Pirnat and Dr. Peter Groznik, for their good and timely work. The economic college assessed that the proposals of both advisory committees provided an adequate basis for the beginning of formal privatisation procedures, which will proceed according to the government's work schedule and the timeline proposed by the advisory committees for the withdrawal of both quasi-state funds from the business sector.
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