Today at noon the presidents of six parliamentary parties and the representatives of the Hungarian and the Italian minorities met in Ljubljana to sign the Partnership for Development Agreement, and thus commit themselves to fruitful collaboration in seeking the best responses to future challenges, and to reaching consensus in adopting and promoting reforms. The only party not to sign the Agreement was the Liberal Democracy of Slovenia, the largest opposition party.
Foto: KPV
The document stipulates that Slovenia's key development priority is to increase welfare and the quality of life. The signatories agree that in order for the reforms to be implemented successfully, changes are needed in many areas, and that the Agreement relies on the proposed package of social and economic reforms.
According to the Prime Minister the signing of this document is an important step, as the Agreement provides a conceptual framework for finding concrete solutions and answers to development challenges Slovenia is facing. He added that the Partnership for Development continued the positive tradition of reaching a broad political consensus ahead of important decisions, and that at the political level it stands as a key development document unlike any other before.
The Agreement is also important because it will enable the public a more realistic view of proposed measures. People will be able to assess these according to actual content, and not according to which party proposed a particular solution. “This is the prerequisite for choosing the best solutions in line with the Agreement,” said the Prime Minister Janez Janša.