News |
13.04.2006 |
Slovenian and Serbian Prime Ministers Discuss Relations Between Slovenia and Serbia on the Phone |
Following the statements made by some high Serbian officials regarding incidents at the Holmec border crossing during Slovenian Independence War, and threats of boycotting Slovenian products by some supermarket chains in Serbia, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Janez Janša, called on the phone the Serbian Prime Minister, Vojislav Koštunica.
The Slovenian PM protested against the claims of some representatives of Serbian authorities, who are attempting to re-criminalise those involved in the conflict at the Holmec border crossing, even though an extensive investigation which was conducted years ago fully dispelled all such suspicions. Such claims, and threats to boycott Slovenian products are indicative of times past, which Slovenia has successfully overcome. Serbia has successfuly entered the negotiations with the EU and now has good chances to open a new chapter in its history. Slovenia is prepared to help in the procees, so it is in mutual interest that bileteral relations are not harmed by repeating old practices.
The prime ministers agreed that the efforts to strengthen the economic and political relations between the two countries needed to be increased, and have decided to exchange visits at government level this year.
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