Today at the 2008 World Cancer Congress held in Geneva, the International Union against Cancer (UICC) presented the Award for Excellence to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Janez Janša, for his efforts in the fight against cancer during the Slovenian EU Presidency and for the Government of the Republic of Slovenia’s outstanding support for cancer control.

Franco Cavalli, UICC President and Ms Zofija Mazej Kukovič, President of Minister of Health, who collected the Award on behalf of Prime Minister Janez Janša (Photo: Damien Keller/ UICC)
The Award for Excellence presented for the outstanding support of the Slovenian Government was collected on behalf of Prime Minister Janez Janša by the Minister of Health, Ms Zofija Mazej Kukovič. In addition to the Slovenian Prime Minister, other award winners were the Brazilian Minister of Health, Dr José Gomes Temporão (Outstanding Individual Award), and Professor Harald zur Hausen and the Turkish Association for Cancer Control and Research (Outstanding Organisation Award).
The objectives of the UICC World Cancer Congress are cancer research and treatment, promoting national anti-cancer strategies, implementing effective tobacco control, understanding the economic implications of cancer control, exchanging best practices and developing partnership in the aforementioned fields.