The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Mr Janez Janša, together with a Government team, today paid a working visit to the Zasavje region. At the beginning of the meeting, the Prime Minister and Government ministers held a working consultation in Izlake, at which they analysed the situation and the development potential of the region, verifying which of the matters agreed on in June 2006 had been implemented. Following the consultation, the Prime Minister and ministers participated in more than 50 different events and meetings with mayors, businessmen and other stakeholders in the development of the region, held in all three municipalities – Zagorje, Trbovlje and Hrastnik.

(Photo: Nebojša Tejić/Salomon 2000)
As part of today’s visit, Prime Minister Janez Janša, together with the Minister of the Economy, Andrej Vizjak, visited the companies Kalmer and Prototip CC in Trbovlje, which engage in measuring mechanical vibrations, balancing, maintenance engineering, and manufacturing and installing transport rollers. The heads of both companies informed him of their business operations and plans for the future, pointing out several problems they were encountering. They identified the staffing shortage as one such problem, since the Zasavje region lacks skilled locksmiths and turners, and young people in the region show little interest in these two professions. The Prime Minister stressed that already some time ago the Government, aware of this fact, had taken an active part in promoting natural science studies and professions, and education programmes had also been renewed. Recently, a favourable trend has been identified in this area. They also exchanged views on energy development in the Zasavje region and on the third development axis, which is of vital importance.

(Photo: Nebojša Tejić/Salomon 2000)
At the press conference held in the afternoon in Trbovlje, the Prime Minister stressed that, in terms of economic development, the Zasavje region had in recent years been catching up with the Slovenian and EU average. The most recent statistics show that the region is still below average in terms of economic power, but on average, companies’ business operations have been favourable. In the field of economics, it is encouraging that the rate of employment growth has been above the Slovenian average and that, in the labour market, unemployment has decreased considerably. In the Prime Minister’s opinion, there is still untapped energy potential in the Zasavje region. He maintained nonetheless that the national resolution on development projects, which provides for construction of the chain of hydroelectric power plants on the Sava River, also offered the possibility of new investments in this area.

(Photo: Nebojša Tejić/Salomon 2000)
He added that improvement in drawing on EU funds could be observed in the Zasavje region. The relevant financial perspective for the entire region includes an amount of EUR 19 million from the EU Structural Funds, which, however, Zasavje can only draw down by preparing appropriate development projects. He invited the region’s municipalities to draw up specific projects and programmes as soon as possible. By doing so, additional development possibilities would be created in the region.
As regards specific promises made two years ago, particularly those related to unsolved problems in infrastructure, including the movement of certain institutions, for example, the Energy and Mining Inspectorate, to Zagorje, the Prime Minister said that these projects had been realised. One of the issues which caused much discussion at the meeting with mayors and other development stakeholders two years ago was the problem of financing the municipalities. “On a proposal from the Government, the National Assembly amended the Financing of Municipalities Act. This new financing regime has in the previous year brought to the municipalities of this region more than EUR 18 million, which exceeds the 2006 funds by no less than 14.5%,” said the Prime Minister. Thereby he pointed out another dilemma, i.e. the future regional division, and continued by emphasising that despite different views and positions of municipal councillors from this region, the Government still sought adequate solutions in dialogue with the local community.

(Photo: Nebojša Tejić/Salomon 2000)
Prime Minister Janša was also very pleased with the evident progress Zasavje has made in the last two years in the area of environmental protection. “In 2007, for the first time in the last two decades, the concentration of sulphur dioxide in the air on no day exceeded threshold values, and the emission of solid particles into the atmosphere was also substantially reduced, meaning that that the quality of life in Zasavje improved,” said the Prime Minister. He added that the new regional landfill had also become operational, whereas the remaining regional waste disposal sites were gradually closing down.

(Photo: Nebojša Tejić/Salomon 2000)
In the afternoon, the Prime Minister and members of the Government had a meeting in Zagorje ob Savi with mayors, businessmen, deputies and National Council members from Posavje. The meeting focused on development opportunities, as well as on specific problems encountered by the region. Thus, for the last time in this mandate the ministers in office responded to questions and initiatives from Zasavje politicians and businessmen.

(Photo: Nebojša Tejić/ Salomon 2000)
The Government team concluded its visit at Dol pri Hrastniku, where it took part in the traditional charity football match with the region’s businessmen and politicians. Members of the Government were superior and won the match against the local team by a score of 4–2.