"A trying and often bloody past shaped these otherwise gentle Pannonian souls into strong and sober people who, in spite of extreme life adversities, knew how to believe in their today and tomorrow," emphatically declared Janez Janša, Prime Minister of the RS and keynote speaker at this evening’s central state ceremony at Goričko Castle commemorating the anniversary of unification of the Prekmurje Slovenes with the mother nation.

(Photo: Nebojša Tejić/Salomon 2000)
In the words of the Prime Minister, Prekmurje in the past differed from other Slovene lands in many ways, but despite the differences and a centuries-long separate existence, the Prekmurje Slovenes preserved their affiliation with and loyalty to the Slovene nation and maintained their belief in the idea of a united Slovenia at all times. In this regard, the Prime Minister outlined a number of events in the rich history of Prekmurje which all bear witness to the cultivation and strengthening of their national awareness. "Through unification with their mother nation, their desire and will, handed down from generation to generation, came true," said Prime Minster Janša, adding that the unification of Prekmurje with other Slovene lands was the result of interaction of Slovenes from both sides of the Mura River.

(Photo: Bobo)
According to the Prime Minister, the Slovene territory took its place within the old Yugoslavia in a much reduced form. "The distress caused by the loss of the regions of Koroška, Primorska and even certain parts of Kranjska was such that many people did not even take note of the great and exceptional acquisition of the Prekmurje region," he emphasised and also recalled that, due to the then lack of economic thinking in this part of Slovenia’s territory, many opportunities were lost. The hard life, especially in the Goričko region, drove people to seek a better and brighter future, but regardless of how long and precarious this search for a better life might have been, the Slovenes from Prekmurje nevertheless remained faithful to their nation, Slovenia's Prime Minister stated with conviction. "Over the last fifteen years, I have come across your fellow countrymen on all continents, many of them representing the heart and soul of Slovenian cultural and national activity abroad."

(Photo: Nebojša Tejić/Salomon 2000)
Slovenia of today is a strong, healthy and ambitious country which has made enormous progress since its independence, and this is also visible in Prekmurje. Among other things, considerable state financial resources, earmarked for overcoming developmental problems in the least developed areas, in addition to European structural funds, contributed to this. A lot still remains to be done, explained the Prime Minister in the continuation of his speech, and "we must provide even greater social security, encourage regional integration and ensure greater promotion. This must also include a broad presentation of the natural and cultural beauties of the Goričko region as well as of the remaining lowland area of Prekmurje." The Prime Minister went on to stress the exceptional importance of small and medium-size enterprises and various forms of tourism – particularly health tourism, which remains the driving force of development of the Prekmurje region.

(Photo: Nebojša Tejić/Salomon 2000)
"There is no doubt that Prekmurje is that part of Slovenia which needs decentralisation of the state, new competences, means and development opportunities most. This is a great challenge of the immediate future and I am sure that we will rise to it. However, this is not an easy path. While concealing many surprises, it also offers new opportunities and challenges. I am convinced that, on this path, we will always be able to jointly find the right goals and realise them together," concluded Prime Minister Janša.