The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Janez Janša, today attended the ceremony at Zagorje ob Savi during which the bust of the long-serving Prime Minister and former President of the Republic of Slovenia, Dr Janez Drnovšek, was unveiled. PM Janez Janša availed himself of the opportunity to emphasise the late President’s linking role and to confront certain dilemmas related to the erection of the monument which have been circulating in the public lately.

(Photo: Grega Wernig/Salomon 2000)
In his press conference, PM Janez Janša stated that the late Dr Drnovšek fully deserved such a monument in his native town of Zagorje, to which he had felt a strong sense of belonging. The PM stressed that he did not always agree with the late President of the Republic, but acknowledged that merits must also be recognised where politicians from other political affiliations are concerned. "Dr Drnovšek undoubtedly had merit in the development of Slovenia, particularly in his commitment to Slovenia persisting in its pursuit of a Euro-Atlantic orientation. He maintained this position even during the period when it proved not to be the most popular orientation in his political affiliation."

(Photo: Bor Slana/Bobo)
In the opinion of the Slovenian Prime Minister, the former President of the Republic must also be given credit for his cohesive attitude in Slovenian politics, in which he demonstrated an inclination towards inclusion rather than exclusion. "This was his great contribution, and it was also one of the reasons why Slovenia managed to move forward. Unfortunately, in today’s political world, which he had led, current leaders do not emulate such an attitude," the PM added.