In the course of his second visit to Gozd nad Kamnikom, a village that sustained extensive material damage during the most recent storm in July, Prime Minister Janez Janša today said that the first clean-up phase was conducted quickly and successfully. “It is evident that all services were well-organised and the municipality immediately acted within its powers. With solidarity assistance – several hundred volunteers alone worked in this village over the weekend – normal living conditions were provided to a certain extent,” pointed out PM Janša.
(Photo: Kristina Kosec/Bobo)
During his visit to the affected area, the Prime Minister also stressed that the rehabilitation had not been completed yet and that the provision of normal conditions would require considerable effort and hard work. Having recovered from the first shock in the aftermath of this natural disaster, Slovenian solidarity yet again played a significant role, and more optimism was shown in the damaged areas, added PM Janša.

(Photo: Kristina Kosec/Bobo)
Firefighters, civil protection units, volunteers and both umbrella humanitarian organisations, the Red Cross and Caritas Slovenia, provided help to the needy. Moreover, through a charity concert organised by RTV Slovenia, all Slovenians participated to the best of their abilities. Together with the two umbrella humanitarian organisations, municipal commissions will allocate funds gathered in various ways to those affected by the storm. PM Janez Janša also said that, based on previous experience, the Government decided that these funds would not be distributed by an institution at the national level, since this would delay the actual receipt of aid and decrease transparency.

(Photo: Kristina Kosec/Bobo)
The Prime Minister also announced that the Government planned to discuss a joint report on eliminating the consequences of the storm at its session in August. “The allocation of any potential additional funds provided from reserves and by reallocation between budget items for emerging priorities will be decided on at this session,” stressed Mr Janša