The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia had a meeting today with representatives of the Slovenian Fire-Fighting Association, with whom he discussed issues on the status of firemen, their health care, and partly also the financing and organisational structure of the association. Opportunities to be brought about by the future regional organisation of Slovenia were also discussed.

(Photo: Kristina Kosec/Bobo)
Prime Minister Janša said that the Slovenian Fire-Fighting Association is an organisation that has been helping people in distress and saving lives for over a century, and is also the centre of several other activities, ranging from educational to cultural. "Over several decades this organisation has been the pillar of Slovenian identity and Slovenian national pride," commented Prime Minister Janša, and added that Slovenian firemen enjoy an excellent reputation in other European countries. "The Slovenian fire service is the best example of the European fire service, not only in terms of tradition but also for the quality, manpower, excellent organisational structure, and definitely also for the achieved results," stressed the Slovenian Prime Minister.

(Photo: Kristina Kosec/Bobo)
In respect of the opportunities offered to the fire service by the future regional organisation of Slovenia, Prime Minister Janša explained that with the creation of new regions, new financial sources would be available for the fire service and thereby also for resolving some organisational problems and problems related to the role of the Slovenian fire service in the organisation of protection and disaster relief services. The municipal level, on the one hand, is too small and therefore lacks sufficient funds and attention, while the national level, on the other hand, is in many cases too remote; thus the new regional organisation of Slovenia would certainly have a positive impact on the development of the fire service.
(Photo: Kristina Kosec/Bobo)
Prime Minister Janša also pointed out that the education and training of firemen belongs among the more important activities, where the state intends to become more engaged in the future. With the start of work within the technical fire service school, a new dimension of quality will be offered. "By creating new regions, which will offer new institutional as well as financial capacities for assisting and financing the fire service, further opportunities that exist but have not yet been exploited could be seized," concluded the Prime Minister.