The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia and President of the European Council, Mr Janez Janša, today participated in the Tripartite Social Summit which traditionally takes place ahead of the spring meeting of the Heads of State and Government of the EU-27. The talks between the Slovenian Prime Minister and the European social partners focused on the Lisbon Strategy and energy and climate change issues.

(Photo: Bor Slana/Bobo)
After the meeting, the President of the European Council, Mr Janez Janša, said that the discussion was primarily intended to provide answers to the question of how to improve “ownership” of the Lisbon reform and how to use the fight against climate change to create new jobs and encourage economic growth. “And, of course, how to better implement the above in national reform programmes,” added the Slovenian Prime Minister. He reported that all the Summit participants had agreed that responsibility for implementing the Lisbon Strategy needed to be transferred to regional and local authorities as well as to all citizens, this being the only way to come closer to implementing the motto “Lisbon for all”.

(Photo: Bor Slana/Bobo)
In connection with the energy and climate issues, the Slovenian Prime Minister emphasised that every single European citizen should undertake certain environmental commitments which, in the life of an individual, meant changing day-to-day habits only slightly. “Even replacing ordinary light bulbs with energy-saving light bulbs, lowering the temperature settings inside buildings and reducing water consumption to some extent can, all together, significantly contribute to achieving energy and climate targets,” said PM Janez Janša. He added that, in future, there should be more discussion concerning the impact of climate change on economic competitiveness and employment. “High environmental standards can also foster competitiveness, create new markets and new jobs,” said the Prime Minister, citing the example of the wind energy sector, in which the number of employees has tripled in the past ten years.

PM Janez Jansa is shaking hands with Secretary-General of Bussines Europe Philippe de Buck, at the back Bussines Europe President Antoine Seiliere (Photo: Bor Slana/Bobo)
Prime Minister Janez Janša advocated greater synergy between the economic, social and environmental aspects of different activities. Especially important is to communicate and to inform all the citizens of Europe regarding the benefits brought by responding to and tackling different challenges, an area in which the media can play an important role. “Such benefits include creating more jobs, ensuring a more reliable energy supply and a cleaner environment,” concluded PM Janša.