The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Mr Janez Janša, today received representatives of the negotiating team of the public sector trade unions. After the meeting, Mr Janša said that the Government would do its utmost to introduce a new salary system starting from 1 May of this year.

(Photo: Bor Slana/Bobo)
Prime Minister Janez Janša said that the Government would continue discussing the negotiating positions, and would probably adopt them as well. He went on to emphasise that the Government would be unable to meet the additional demands of the trade unions, exceeding EUR 170 m, as it was already looking for any internal reserves in the preparation of budget amendment proposals.
PM Janez Janša said that it would be necessary to seek a compromise without additionally burdening public finance. "We have to take into consideration the actual situation and public finance capacity in Slovenia, especially now, when we are doing everything in our power to curb inflation," stressed the Prime Minister.
He further added that the trade unions' and the Government's negotiating positions on this matter were close to being brought into line, although there were still considerable differences on some points. In the Prime Minister's opinion it would not be appropriate to make public the concrete demands of the respective parties, since the negotiations are still underway.