Kosovo’s declaration of independence is by no means unexpected. It occurred after lengthy negotiations, when all the possibilities of a negotiated settlement were exhausted and it became clear that the status quo in Kosovo was unsustainable in the long run. The resolution passed by the Kosovo Assembly does not substantially change Slovenia’s policy on the issue of Kosovo and its attitude towards the region in general. Its objectives continue to be settlements which will ensure the stability of the region and which represent as unified a European Union standpoint as possible. In this regard, we hope and desire that all parties involved will act in a well-considered way and avoid any violence.

(Foto: Kristina Kosec/Bobo)
As the country holding the EU Council Presidency and a country which devotes great attention to the Western Balkans, Slovenia has a special responsibility and interest in coordinating and implementing such a settlement. Slovenia will coordinate any further action with its partners in the European Union. As the country holding the EU Council Presidency, it will make every effort to ensure that the EU meets the expectations of the Western Balkan region as fully and as well as possible, and vice versa. Countries wishing to become members of the EU must adequately meet the defined conditions; each country will be treated according to its own merits and on an equal footing.
In this critical period, there is also deep concern for the several hundred Slovenian troops and police currently engaged in crucial tasks in Kosovo. They of course enjoy our full support and appreciation for their contribution to peace and stability in the region.
Janez Janša
Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia