The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Mr Janez Janša, today held another meeting with the leaders of parliamentary parties, the deputies of the Hungarian and Italian national communities, and the heads of deputy groups, in order to continue the discussion concerning the possibility of achieving political consensus on the Act amending the Victims of War Violence Act and the Act amending the War Grave Sites Act.

(Photo: Bor Slana/Bobo)
After the meeting concluded, Prime Minister Janez Janša said that the talks had concentrated on specific solutions with a view to implementing the decision of the Constitutional Court, and to ensuring the rights for those categories that had, as yet, remained excluded. In the Prime Minister's words, the draft laws amending the Victims of War Violence Act and the War Grave Sites Act respectively, which have been submitted by the Social Democrats, represent an acceptable basis for most parliamentary parties or deputy groups.
PM Janez Janša also added that it had been decided today that in the coming week, all those participating in this matter would make specific comments on both draft laws. A fair copy would then be made, and this would be debated again by deputy groups or parliamentary parties. “If it appears that a great majority is in favour of proceeding with it, the agreed fair copy will then be submitted as common property and a common proposal. On this basis, this will be a kind of undertaking with a high chance of success,” stressed the Prime Minister. However, if the above was not the case, a last attempt to take a step forward in respect of war laws during this term of office would thus fail, said PM Janša.