The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Mr Janez Janša, today commented on some of the most topical European and domestic issues. On this occasion Mr Janša pointed to the legislative package on energy and climate change presented yesterday by the European Commission, and commented on the election in Serbia. He also expressed his delight at today's approval by the Government of the agreement with the public sector trade unions that had been initialled yesterday.

(Photo: Kristina Kosec/Bobo)
The Prime Minister outlined, in brief, the proposed legislative package on energy and climate change –one of the priorities of the Slovenian EU Council Presidency. Mr Janša said that Slovenia welcomed the European Commission’s proposal, as it was one of the most important legislative packages of the European Union of the beginning of the 21st century. The presented energy and climate change package comprises both paths proposed in order to reach the set objectives, as well as specific commitments made by the Member States. “Ahead of us now is a fairly demanding period of coordination and procedures involving Slovenia as the Member State holding the EU Council Presidency," said the Prime Minister, highlighting the sensitive issue of debating energy and climate change, in particular on account of the diverse views held by the Member States, especially regarding the use of nuclear energy.
The Prime Minister also touched on the democratic presidential election in Serbia. In his words, the citizens of Serbia will decide on the programmes of the top two candidates in a second and final round. “This is a rather clear choice between various paths which both candidates offer for the future of this country,” declared the Prime Minister, proceeding to add that the direction Serbia chooses will have significant impact on similar goals of other Western Balkan countries linked to the European perspective. He expressed his belief that the best way for Serbia would be opting for the European perspective. “From this standpoint, these elections are important not only for citizens of Serbia but also for the entire Western Balkan region, its perspective and stability.”
On this occasion PM Janez Janša also spoke about developments in Slovenia and thanked the trade unions representing workers in the public sector for their cooperation and willingness to seek a compromise regarding the announced strike. He said that an agreement had been reached the day before on a solution that would not jeopardise macroeconomic stability. “Thus, one of the essential preconditions for the Government to consent to such an agreement – which will probably be signed today – was met,” said the Prime Minister. Furthermore, he said he was pleased with the fact that a similar solution had been achieved in connection with the demands of haulers, who in negotiations with the Ministry of Transport and with the cooperation of the Ministry of Finance finally came to an understanding, thus calling off the announced strike. The Prime Minister also highlighted that the talks between the trade unions representing workers in the public sector, haulers and the Government represented a model, showing that a good compromise can be reached by holding frank talks and by rationally addressing problems. He further said he hoped that an agreement with the social partners in the private sector would be reached in a similar manner.
Statement by the Prime Minister