Prime Minister Janez Janša met today with the leaders of parliamentary parties and the deputies of the Italian and Hungarian national communities concerning the possibility of achieving political consensus on the Act amending the Victims of War Violence Act and the Act amending the War Grave Sites Act. At the meeting, the leaders of the parties discussed different compromise solutions and agreed that the parliamentary parties report their positions on this issue within a week.

(Photo: Bor Slana/Bobo)
After the meeting concluded, Prime Minister Janša said that the proposal of the Social Democrats on the Victims of War Violence Act resolves the problems indicated by the Constitutional Court in its decision to a great extent; however, it does not provide solutions to certain general issues that remain open. He further said that an agreement was reached at today’s meeting entrusting the leaders of the parties with the responsibility of informing their parliamentary groups and the bodies within individual parties responsible for decision making on the possibility of their consent to the compromise solution. He also expressed his hope that the parties would accept such solution. Thus, at the next meeting a joint text could already be drafted and proposed for adoption procedure, if the majority agrees to it, said the Prime Minister.
According to PM Janša, within the context of the War Grave Sites Act a compromise on the inscription text on the monument at the war grave sites is possible, as well as a compromise on the potential erection of a common monument to the unknown hero which would be consecrated to all those who died for the homeland. The Prime Minister believes that this would also resolve the awkward situation faced during state visits, because a standard protocol practice around the world on the occasion of official visits paid by the highest representatives of a state includes a wreath-laying ceremony at similar monuments.
The Prime Minister concluded that he did not want to open up any ideological dilemmas, but just to adhere to the decision of the Constitutional Court and the principles of general justice, saying that today, in light of the history of negotiations on war violence victims and war grave sites, two steps forward were made, notwithstanding the fact that the joint agreement has not yet been adopted.