The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Janez Janša, today received the representatives of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC). Both the Prime Minister and General Secretary of the ETUC, John Monks, supported the development and promotion of the European social model and they discussed the key issues in the field of social affairs to be dealt with during Slovenia’s EU Council Presidency.

(Photo: Bor Slana/Bobo)
PM Janez Janša expressed his thanks to the ETUC representatives for the list of positions and recommendations which they had prepared for the Slovenian Presidency in the form of a memorandum. He pointed out that Slovenia was paying considerable attention to social dialogue at the national level as well as at the European level. During its EU Presidency in the first half of this year, Slovenia will make every effort to successfully launch the second cycle of the revised Lisbon Strategy, whose social and environmental dimension has recently been considerably strengthened. The Slovenian Presidency will also promote the social dimension of the single market, the efficient implementation of the principle of flexicurity and the most intensive possible exchange of good practices among Member States.
Prime Minister Janša and General Secretary Monks also exchanged views on certain legislative proposals in the field of social affairs, on energy and climate change issues and on challenges in the area of migration. They agreed that the enlargement of the European Union had to go hand in hand with the enlargement of social Europe. As an example, the Prime Minister cited the efforts of the Centre for a European Future which offered support and training to many governmental and non-governmental organisations from the Western Balkans, including in the field of social development.

(Photo: Bor Slana/Bobo)
General Secretary John Monks assured the President of the European Council, Janez Janša, of the support and constructive cooperation of the European Trade Union Confederation, inter alia in the preparations for the EU-Latin America and Caribbean Summit to be held in Peru in May 2008. The next meeting between the ETUC and the President of the European Council, Janez Janša, is scheduled for March 2008, during the traditional Tripartite Social Summit which will be held just before European Council Meeting.