Dear Slovenes,
Dear Compatriots,
The old year is slipping away, along with Europe’s internal borders. It will be remembered especially for the events which have marked the time for each and every one of us. We will also remember some of our joint achievements, as well as trials. I am pleased that the former have been more numerous than the latter, although Slovenia has amply proved itself in times of trial, too.

We joined forces when a great part of our country was struck by devastating floods. We have proved that we do care, that we can help and show solidarity. When on the first Saturday after the devastation I visited Železniki, I was proud of Slovenia, just as I was in 1991. There were hundreds of volunteers, in uniform and in plain clothes, helping the affected community. Thousands of people made voluntary contributions. Thank you all for your assistance and for the great feeling of participation and community spirit.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Slovenia is enjoying healthy economic growth. The year that is ending will go down in history as the year of the most rapid development and the lowest unemployment rate so far, as the first year since the emergence of the state to end with a budget surplus, as the year that, following a long-lasting decline in the number of births, finally saw an increase in the birth rate in Slovenia, and of course, as the year when Slovenia as the first new Member State successfully adopted the euro.
Slovenia’s growth will continue in 2008. Our country will enhance its reputation in the family of European nations and the world. Healthy growth will lead to higher wages and pensions, and will ensure more scholarships for young people. We will express our solidarity with those who have been hit hardest by higher food prices and the cost of certain services, and will help them through it.
For each and every one of us, the coming year will be what we make of it. The colour of the days following 1 January 2008 is in our own hands. We should not let others decide how we feel.
On this New Year's Eve, I wish you many kind and sincere words coming from noble hearts, and I wish you health, happiness and all the best in the new year.
Janez Janša
Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia