Fellow Citizens,
The peace we enjoy today in Slovenia and Europe is a precious gift, which is the responsibility of us all. First, let me wish you peace at the personal level. I wish it for everyone in our country, our compatriots abroad, and all nations in the world.
At Christmas we think in particular of our citizens who live in poverty, have personal problems and are lonely. Perhaps they are only a few metres away from us, but we have not noticed them during the year because of our hasty everyday lives. We remember them with a modest gift, a small sign of affection, and a kind word. Each and everyone can take at least a tiny step, and together we can make the holidays warm and fulfilling for everyone.
We remember everyone suffering poverty and violence. We give them a least a small thought and make a resolution to contribute what we can to at least one humanitarian campaign in the coming year.
I wish you a merry and genuine Christmas, inner peace and happiness.
Janez Janša
Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia