News |
18.12.2007 |
Prime Minister Janez Janša answers deputies' questions |
At the 34th regular session of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Janez Janša answered three questions from opposition deputies and one from a coalition deputy.

(Photo: Kristina kosec/Bobo)
The leader of the Zares deputy group, Matej Lahovnik, inquired about the purchase price of state-owned shares in the Slovenian Steel Industry. On behalf of SNS, deputy Zmago Jelinčič asked the PM about measures the Government would take if Croatia was to make any unilateral moves regarding Slovenia. LDS deputy Mitja Slavinec sought to know how the Government would continue to foster favourable conditions for Slovenian schoolchildren so that they would achieve even better results in the PIRLS and PISA international surveys. The leader of the coalition DeSUS deputy group, Franc Žnidaršič, asked the PM to explain in detail the guidelines which a special government working group is consulting in drawing up amendments to the Pension and Disability Insurance Act.
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