Today, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Janez Janša, met representatives of Caritas Slovenia, Red Cross Slovenia, the Civil Defence, the Slovenian Armed Forces, Police, Fire-fighters and others who provided selfless help during the last great natural disaster in September 2007. The PM also addressed his guests.

(Photo: Kristina Kosec/Bobo)
The PM expressed satisfaction over the fact that when the disaster struck, everyone in Slovenia responded quickly and offered great help, thus returning hope to all those who were directly affected. The first hours after the flood showed that the organisation of rescue services in Slovenia, which are based on loyalty, volunteering and human solidarity, is one of the best in the world. "We were all proud that you wear the uniforms and symbols of the Slovenian Civil Defence, the Slovenian Armed Forces, Police, Caritas, Red Cross, scouts, guides, and above all Fire-fighters' uniforms, which were the most abundant in Železniki and other parts affected by the storm," said the PM.
According to Mr Janša, the media played a positive role during the September disaster, awakening the feeling of solidarity among Slovenes which brought volunteers from all over the country to Železniki. "This is that added value we must particularly be aware of;" said the PM. Owing to the well-coordinated action led by the Civil Defence, the effects of the flood were soon mitigated; however, renovation is not over yet. The PM said that plans for restoration have been made, and that work would continue in the New Year, highlighting the fact that in the future, when the negative effects of climate change begin to appear, we should be ready to "undertake all possible preventive measures so that such possibilities are reduced to minimum." Mr Janša also stressed that in 2007 Slovenia showed solidarity, which boosts our confidence that "in the future we will handle such situations equally well or even better than this September."