In the continuation of the regular 33rd session of the National Assembly, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia explained in detail why he had tabled a motion of confidence, sending the request to the President of the National Assembly, France Cukjati, on Thursday. He linked the motion to the need for unity among all parliamentary parties during the Presidency of the European Union.

(Photo: Kristina Kosec/Bobo)
After the motion was passed, the PM said that the opposition parties had not heard, accepted or understood his message that the motion of confidence was linked to unity during the Presidency of the EU. The PM said that the offer of cooperation was still on the table, but that in future, actions, not words, would count. He added that the Government would complete the preparations for running the EU and assume the Presidency responsibly.
The PM said that the Government would particularly focus on the welfare of Slovenia's citizens and the second stage of privatisation. "The reforms which we introduced in the first half of our term have created room for manoeuvre, which can raise general welfare." He announced a "more intensive battle against connections between tycoons and politics, which through criminal action continue to spread their tentacles throughout the entire tissue of the nation, shamelessly accumulating wealth." According to the PM, the Government will also focus on the regionalisation of Slovenia, which not only facilitates more even and just development, but faster overall development for Slovenia.
In conclusion, the PM expressed disappointment, as no-one in opposition had distanced themselves from Slovenia-bashing in the EU, although he said he hoped that in future, truthful accounts of what goes on in Slovenia would be sent abroad.
Information on achievments of the Government 2004-07
Information on media situation in Slovenia
Media ownership in Slovenia