Today the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Janez Janša, attended the 161st session of the Economic Social Council, where they also discussed the economic and social situation in Slovenia.

(Photo: Daniel Novaković/STA)
The PM urged representatives of employers and employees in the private sector to consider the macro-economic situation in Slovenia and try to reach a reasonable compromise. He also said that the implemented tax reform needs to be considered, particularly the abolition of the payroll tax and gradual decrease in corporate tax. "All these measures and a number of simplified procedures have significantly disburdened the economy," said the PM.
The PM said that the situation was not the same in all sectors, companies and regions. "Demands for a linear rise in taxes can cause stagnation or negative business results in some companies and sectors, which would result in redundancies," he said. On the other hand, according to Mr Janša, we have to consider that in industries and companies where the management receive a high share of profits, wages should benefit from successful management, too.
(Photo: Bor Slana/Bobo)
Before the ESC session the PM met the representatives of the unions, who informed him of the reasons for the planned demonstrations, adding they were not directed against the Government.