Following an invitation from the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Janez Janša, the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Norway, Jens Stoltenberg, today arrived on an official visit to Slovenia. After their meeting, Mr Janša said he was glad that the visit provided an excellent opportunity to exchange views and opinions on current issues pertaining to bilateral cooperation and the position of both Governments towards the general situation in the region, Europe and the world.

(Photo: Bor Slana/Bobo)
The Slovenian PM stressed that relations between the two countries are good, as there are no outstanding issues. Slovenia and Norway have been collaborating as members of NATO and the European Economic Area, while as of 1 January 2008, the collaboration will be extended within the Schengen Area.
Trade in goods and services has been increasing over recent years; however, according to the Slovenian PM, ample opportunities still remain. "The future holds even better prospects for both countries, particularly in terms of tourism, the electric power industry, the furniture industry and mutual investment," said PM Janez Janša, adding that a double taxation convention would soon be ready for signing. "Next year is expected to see a direct air route between Ljubljana and Oslo, which will facilitate both an increased influx of tourists and better business cooperation," said PM Janez Janša.

(Photo: Bor Slana/Bobo)
According to the Slovenian PM, Norway is a model of good practices for Slovenia with regard to environment conservation, the growth of 'green industries', and innovation for better environmental protection. In addition, the country is included in all EU programmes aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing the share of renewable sources of energy nationwide. "In this respect we are very interested in exchanging experience, particularly because Slovenia as the presiding country of the European Union will co-shape and coordinate the further promotion of processes to meet the goals set at the European Council this year."

(Photo: Bor Slana/Bobo)
PM Janez Janša presented to his Norwegian counterpart Slovenia's priorities during the EU Presidency. They exchanged views on current conditions in the Western Balkans, which are similar. "We both support the European perspective of the countries of the Western Balkans and realise that the issue which will be at hand in the next few months is sensitive," said the PM. According to PM Janez Janša, both countries seek to find a solution which would be acceptable to both Belgrade and Priština.

(Photo: Tina Kosec/Bobo)
The Prime Ministers also exchanged views on security issues with regard to NATO, particularly in the light of preparations for the next summit of the alliance, which will take place in April 2008 in Bucharest. "Slovenia supports the next NATO enlargement step and the accession the Croatian, Macedonian and Albanian candidates if they fulfil the criteria," said the Slovenian PM, adding that doors must be left open for those countries which are not eligible to join in the first round, and cooperation will continue with them through the Partnership for Peace. "We have stressed in particular that one of these countries, for which the doors must be left open, is Serbia, and that we must cooperate with it within the Partnership for Peace. If NATO is now enlarged by the three countries mentioned, this must definitely not signal the end of the accession process, or that the doors are closing - on the contrary," said the PM.