Today and on Friday, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Janez Janša, is attending the informal European Council meeting in Lisbon, where he and other Heads of State and Government of EU member states are trying to reach a consensus on the Reform Treaty. Other items on the agenda include the future of the Lisbon Strategy, international financial stability, and the future of international agreements for the struggle against climate change.

(Photo: Eu/Bobo)
Prior to the European Council in Lisbon, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Janez Janša, attended the Informal Tripartite Social Summit, which focused on modernising social protection in the EU mainly through flexicurity. Among speakers were the President of the European Council and the Prime Minister of Portugal, José Sócrates, the President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso, European social partners, and the PM Janez Janša as the next President of the European Council. In his speech, Mr Janša stressed the significance of social dialogue as an effective tool for negotiating future globalisation challenges.
Just before the first part of the European Council meeting, Mr Janša said in a press statement that the most difficult part – establishing a new institutional basis for the EU – had been completed at the meeting in June. "The political mandate of the European Council has been translated into legal language, and the thing to do now is to keep the commitment from a few months ago. I am confident that this will be done."

(Photo: Kristina Kosec/Bobo)
With regard to certain additional proposals that have emerged since, the PM expressed doubt that as a result of these important yet not crucial issues, anyone would question the success of the entire Intergovernmental Conference that is to approve the draft Reform Treaty. "I believe the risk would be too great for anyone. Even more so since after the June European Council it became quite clear that now is the time to take the step forward," said Mr Janša, adding that next year he expects positive results and a faster ratification process.