At today's 31st regular session the National Assembly approved Ms Mojca Kucler Dolinar as the new Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology.

(Photo: Bor Slana/Bobo)
In previous introduction the PM Janez Janša stressed that the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology is responsible for several important national priorities as laid down in the Lisbon Srategy; among other things, the Ministry also implements the Bologna guidelines and other strategic policies that prioritise knowledge, education, research and innovation. The Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology also manages or co-manages several important projects of the Resolution on National Development Projects for the Period 2007-2023. The biggest challenge lying before the new Minister is therefore to enable a continuous flow of knowledge from educational through research institutions into the economy and, consequently, towards creating added value and increasing competitiveness in the global market. "I expect that the candidate would establish an open and effective dialogue with all partners in the higher education and research sphere, while expecting partners to talk and negotiate with more credibility, and that a word given would be kept," said the PM.
According to PM Janez Janša, Ms Kucler Dolinar would have to negotiate a wide range of tasks very soon. In three months, Slovenia will take over the Presidency of the EU, and the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology will be responsible for managing and monitoring dossiers that fall under the competence of four EU Commissioners. The PM relies on Ms Kucler Dolinar's knowledge of the organisation and workings of EU institutions, Slovenia's goals, and common European priorities. "Her knowledge of the work and organisation of public administration is definitely one of the candidate's advantages, which will help her to take over the management of various projects run under the Ministry, and above all successfully conclude those laid down in this Government's programme for this term," said the PM.
The prospective Minister will also benefit from her legal background, as the Ministry publishes many calls for tenders and oversees important national projects, which entails a good knowledge of legal procedures and legislation. Ms Kucler Dolinar will be the ninth lawyer among ministers in the European Union.
The PM believes that on the basis of her work to date and a positive presentation before a committee of the National Assembly's, Ms Kucler Dolinar will successfully head the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology.