Today, the Core Working Group for the EU Presidency (CWG) headed by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Janez Janša, met at its September session to discuss preparations for the EU Presidency in the first half of 2008. The members approved the progress report on preparations between July and September and the operational work programme of subgroups for the final quarter of 2007.

(Photo: Srdjan Živulovič/Bobo)
The meeting focused on the Presidency programme. The CWG discussed specific priorities from the key four areas of the 18-month trio programme: the future of the Union, the Lisbon Strategy, strengthening the area of freedom, security and justice, and enhancing the EU’s external role. The ministries and government offices had submitted updated proposals to the CWG by 15 September. The finalising of priorities will take place at the beginning of November.
The CWG supported a decrease in the number of sub-ministerial events and approved the final selection of informal events which are financed by the presiding country, reducing them to 134 informal events, 122 of which are to be held in Slovenia while the remaining 12 will be held in other member states.
The CWG also discussed finding so-called Presidency partners – companies which will contribute their goods or services to the Presidency project – and approved the information manuals for ministers and official speakers which outline all the relevant technical details.