"This has been the most demanding and extensive mission by the Slovenian Armed Forces. This year marks the anniversary of the first peace-keeping mission abroad in independent Slovenia," said the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Janez Janša, at today's ceremony in Ljubljana on the return of battle group SOKOL from Kosovo.
Before the ceremony the Prime Minister Janez Janša inspected the Honour Guard of the SAF (Photo: Bobo)
The Prime Minister said that the task was demanding, but Slovenian troops had recorded good results, which had also been noted by senior NATO and the EU representatives. "But more precious than the commendation of those assessing from afar, are the commendations of those who benefited from your help," said the PM, adding that numerous data testify that the mission had been carried out successfully: during this time, the number of conflicts in the areas controlled by SAF troops dropped significantly, members of both the Albanian and Serbian communities were satisfied with their work, and in addition to military duties, they carried out humanitarian work.
When Europe assumes more global responsibility, there will be increasing numbers of peace-keeping missions from Europe to other parts of the world to intervene militarily and stabilise the situation in crisis areas. The jobs of officers and men will become more complex. The troops will need not only military, but also additional skills and know-how.

Colonel Dobran Božič presented the PM with the Slovenian flag which hung over the base of the Joint Enterprise mission to Kosovo (Photo: Bobo)
"It will be the same here," said the PM, which, however, means that this job will have to be appreciated differently; this will be introduced by the new Slovenian Armed Forces Act, which will finally give it due place. The Act will also create a basis for guidelines to prepare the Slovenian soldier for the real future challenges arising from Slovenia's new position in the EU and NATO, and the role of a united Europe in the global world.
"Peace, stability, and prosperity, which are a reality in Europe, should become a reality elsewhere," said the PM. Despite the fact that the SAF was established to defend Slovenia, in new conditions it needs to act outside national borders to prevent danger from coming closer, and perform humanitarian duties. "You have proved yourselves here. Slovenia is proud of your work," concluded the PM.
The PM took the time to talk with SAF troops who have returned from Kosovo and their relatives (Photo: Bobo)