At today's press conference the Prime Minister Janez Janša outlined the results of the government's work in the first six months of 2007 and some other current political issues.
(Photo: Nebojša Tejić/Salomon 2000)
In his introduction, the PM stressed the realisation of commitments laid down in Slovenia's Development Strategy. In the first six months, Slovenia far surpassed the key objectives, having recorded high economic growth and falling unemployment.
During this time the government submitted to the Parliament or the Parliament passed a number of important laws. The PM particularly stressed the proposals on regional legislation, promising a new political division of Slovenia and providing an instrument of development that the country has lacked so far.
During the first six months of 2007, the government visited six regions or future regions, and led an active foreign policy. According to PM Janez Janša, Slovenia has invested considerable effort in resolving outstanding issues with Croatia.
The PM also looked to the near future, when the government will be actively engaged in the preparations for assuming the EU Presidency and joining the Eurozone, both on 1 January 2008.