Today the prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia attended the opening of the Biblical Festival. He said Slovenia was proud to have gathered the world’s elite Bible experts from various churches and denominations, adding that conference and symposia provide a way to seek findings and solutions to develop mutual understanding and resolve the clash between cultures and civilisations.

(Photo: Arsen Perić/Salomon 2000)
According to the PM, modern Europe promotes intercultural and interdenominational dialogue, as it realises that the spiritual sphere is a constitutive element of every society. "Being aware of our European roots, which are also represented by Judaism and Christianity, Graeco-Roman culture, and the discoveries of modern times, acts as an assurance that the European continent will continue to be governed by peace and righteousness, and it will grow in the future."
The PM stressed that Slovenia is proud of its historical foundations, from the Freising Manuscripts in the ninth century, which provided the first translated excerpts of the Bible to Dalmatin's Bible, whereby Slovenes reached linguistic independence, and national sovereignty in 1991.
"The power of the word is invaluable," said the PM and expressed his gratitude that Slovenia "where we strive to judge our lives and work by the words of truth" had the opportunity to host and IOSOT congress.