As the 30th regular session of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia continued, the Prime Minister Janez Janša presented the draft revised budget 2007 to MPs.

(Foto: Primož Lavre/Salomon 2000)
The PM said that Slovenia had managed to retain key macroeconomic balances after switching to the euro, and is on the way to fulfilling the goals of Slovenia's Development Strategy, which are also included in the Lisbon Strategy. Slovenia achieved very good economic results in 2006 and favourable economic trends continue in 2007. "In the first trimester Slovenia recorded 7.2 per cent economic growth. The results of the reform measures introduced in the first years of our term are showing. The tax reform has relieved the economy, which responded well to greater demand from abroad and increased market shares on foreign markets. Exports and investment were the engines of high economic growth in these years," said the PM.
The PM outlined minor changes in the draft revised budget. "The Ministry of Transport will establish a new body, the Directorate for Managing Investment in Public Railway Infrastructure, which will take over some tasks and programmes with regard to railway infrastructure. The government also decided to contribute to raising additional capital for Nova Ljubljanska banka with 50 million euros. "This is a necessary step due to the need for development and the bank’s growth," said the PM.
Slovenia is in a very significant and specific period of development. After years of relatively slow growth we have high economic growth today and high employment. Fiscal and economic policies are aimed at reaching strategic development goals. "I believe that with the revised budget we will take one step closer to our goals," concluded the PM.