News |
06.07.2007 |
Prime Minister Janez Janša appoints Dr Peter Groznik as head of the Strategic Council for Economic Development |
The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Janez Janša, today appointed Dr Peter Groznik, (currently Vice-Chairman) Chairman of the Strategic Council for Economic Development.

Prime Minister Janez Janša on the first meeting of the Strategic Council for Economic Development in November 2006 (Photo: Domen Grögl/STA)
Dr Marjan Senjur who has been at the helm of the Council up to now, suggested to the PM some time ago that the change be made before the next parliamentary elections. Dr Senjur remains a member of the Strategic Council for Economic Development. In addition, the term of Dr Kranjec ended on his appointment as the new Governor of the Bank of Slovenia.
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