The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Janez Janša, attended the funeral service of the retired Archbishop and Metropolitan Dr Alojzij Šuštar, at which he recalled in his address Dr Šuštar’s rich heritage. The PM particularly stressed the Archbishop's efforts to defend human rights, and his actions, which were immensely significant for building independent Slovenia and shaping its identity, adding that Dr Šuštar had been active at a time when crucial decisions had been taken and the Slovenian nation had rapidly matured.
(Photo: Grega Wernig/Salomon 2000)
"Archbishop Šuštar, who lived in a modern democratic society for many years, was always a man of dialogue," said Janša, stressing the similarities between the Archbishop and another great Slovene, the late Dr Jože Pučnik: "He was a man of his word, and he found it all the more difficult when he received a false promise, or an insincere handshake."
"The efforts of Archbishop Šuštar aimed at defending human rights, achieving national reconciliation, the formation and international recognition of the Slovenian state, mutual understanding and peaceful coexistence, will never be forgotten," concluded the PM.