At this evening's main state celebration of National Day, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Janez Janša, who was the keynote speaker, stressed that the Slovenian people face a bright future as a result of the right decision they took sixteen years ago.
Prime Minister Janez Janša was the keynote speaker at the main state celebration of National Day (Photo: Primož Lavre/Salomon 2000)
"Many things needed to happen before the desire to become independent ripened and was finally realised," said the PM, adding that Slovenia had not been only a passive follower of the changes in Europe after the fall of the Berlin Wall. "We were agents of change. Only in this way did we succeed, and it is only because of this that Slovenia is an independent country today."
Prime Minister Janša also attended a commemorative session of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia. (Photo: Primož Lavre/Salomon 2000)
PM Janša also mentioned three vital events and individuals which made Slovenia's independence possible: the 57th issue of Nova revija, which provided the most consistent and comprehensive programme of Slovenia's sovereignty and democratisation; the establishment of the Slovenian Territorial Defence force; and Dr Jože Pučnik, who was the central figure of Slovenia's independence policy, and who provided constant guidance for Slovenia's independence.The PM also mentioned the fact that we are often not able to commend those who do something good for the community. "Unfortunately, we are still living in a place where good efforts and success do not resound widely enough." In his view, this attitude harms the nation's self-confidence and undermines the ability of individuals and institutions to take critical and responsible actions. "Conquering such an attitude is necessary for the benefit of all generations to come," said the PM.

In line with tradition, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Janez Janša, attended a mass for the homeland, which took place before the commemorative session of the National Assembly and the main state celebration. (Photo: Primož Lavre/Salomon 2000)
"At the beginning of its term, this government promised that it would work towards Slovenia's welfare. We have stated clearly that only economic growth can be a lasting foundation for welfare. Therefore, today, we are on the right track," stressed Mr Janša. "We should in the first place thank our economists and our workers for the development that we have achieved in the last two years. They have proved that under normal economic conditions they can be very good, and even the best. They no longer win over the non-developed, but compete with the best," added the PM.

At noon, Prime Minister Janez Janša attended the opening of an exhibition entitled 'United in Victory'. (Photo: Primož Lavre/Salomon 2000)
"New opportunities are emerging. Slovenia is in good shape. It has the wind in its sails and is heading in the right direction. And it has a good crew. The international seas are calm; only in local waters are there some artificial waves and tiny clouds. But the horizon of the new future is as clear as ever. This and future generations are assured a safe voyage. A voyage made possible by the decision taken sixteen years ago. That was the right decision," said the PM in his address.