Today the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Janez Janša, received Zeleni Jurij*, who was accompanied by business representatives and numerous singers and musicians.
(Photo: Arsen Perić/Salomon)
In his speech, the PM stressed that in accordance with tradition and folklore Zeleni Jurij does not only bring spring, but also promises welfare. Mr Janša expressed hope to build a community which would not be deprived of anything, where everyone could build on the basis of established welfare and where material concerns would not hinder cultural and spiritual progress.

(Photo: Arsen Perić/Salomon)
"I thank you for keeping this tradition alive. This is very significant, perhaps even more so now, when Slovenia is part of the EU, when we have opened ourselves into the world and the global environment," said the PM, adding that he welcomed the fact that this tradition is also strong on the other side of the state border, that it is kept alive in collaboration with the neighbours on the other side of the Kolpa River. "This sends out a message that we should not isolate ourselves, and that the good wishes on behalf of Zeleni Jurij extend to our neighbours, and all who live with us now and in the future."
* Green George – a Slavic mythological figure who brings renewal and fertility in spring