Today the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Janez Janša, met the Swedish Prime Minister, Fredrik Reinfeldt, who is visiting Slovenia following an invitation from Mr Janša.
(Photo: Arsen Perić/Salomon 2000)
At a plenary meeting, the PMs agreed that there were no unresolved issues between the two countries, while economic cooperation has been strengthening. The year 2006 saw trade in goods grow by 11 per cent, as well as a number of new business projects. The key macroeconomic indicators in both countries are positive, which promises further strengthening of the economy in the future.
(Photo: Arsen Perić/Salomon 2000)
The PMs discussed European issues in detail, exchanging experience about preparations for the EU presidency, since both countries will share a similar position as the last in the presiding trio. Mr Janša stressed that the excellent collaboration with Germany and Portugal is helping Slovenia to prepare more efficiently for the presidency.
(Photo: Arsen Perić/Salomon 2000)
The discussion between the two PMs confirmed that Slovenia and Sweden – despite the former having ratified the Treaty establishing a constitution for Europe, and the latter not – share similar views on resolving the institutional standstill. They agreed that the EU is facing an important period, when it has to regionalise and prepare for new challenges. A new compromise must ensure the EU greater efficiency and a better position for achieving global competitiveness. Both Slovenia and Sweden advocate enlargement and do not support the idea of changing the nature of the accession criteria from political to judicial.
(Photo: Nebojša Tejić/Salomon 2000)
Mr Janša also discussed with his guest the issue of the Western Balkans, presenting Slovenia’s views on the situation in the region and expressing a wish that all countries in the region would take a step towards the European Union. With regard to Kosovo, the PMs agreed that, given the insecurity accompanying discussions in the UN Security Council, the EU must express uniform support for Ahtisaari’s proposal.
(Photo: Arsen Perić/Salomon 2000)
Prime Minister Reinfeldt presented Sweden’s efforts in environmental conservation, and agreed to the proposal from the Slovenian side to exchange good practices in implementing green technologies.