With a reception with military honours in front of the building of the Government of the Slovak Republic today, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Janez Janša, began his two-day official visit to the Republic of Slovakia. According to the PM, the visit confirms the good collaboration between the two countries, between which there are no unresolved issues. Relations have traditionally been very good, and lately they have been strengthening. Trade relations are particularly good. In 2006, trade in goods between the two countries increased by 25 per cent, reaching €532 million, while trade in services also rose.
Upon his arrival, the Prime Minister Janez Janša was met by his host, the Prime Minister of Slovakia, Robert Fico. (Photo: Srdjan Živulovič/Bobo)
Mr Janša and Mr Fico also discussed collaboration within the European Union, and common responsibility for the EU's future development. They discussed the issue of the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe, agreeing that a step forward needs to be taken as soon as possible. Mr Janša stressed that Slovenia supports the efforts of the German presidency to find a substantive solution and devise a timeline at the June European Council. At present, many activities are underway, and Mr Janša cautioned about the limits of compromise. He said that the solution is not a compromise at any cost, but a compromise about a new treaty that would enable Europe to move on. In view of the fact that the European Union, in its 50-year history, has encountered many such situations, the Slovenian PM expressed optimism and the conviction that a solution would be found after the June European Council.
The PMs singled out three key areas, i.e. three enlargements: with regard to EU enlargement, both support the perspective for the Western Balkans, while the enlargement of the Schengen area should be carried out as scheduled and without delay. With regard to the enlargement of the Eurozone, Mr Janša expressed contentment that Slovakia is well on the way to achieving this goal in 2009, and that Slovenia is willing to share its experience on this matter. This is also the theme of tomorrow's speech by the Slovenian PM at an international conference in Bratislava on the euro. Mr Janša thanked Mr Fico for Slovakia's support for Slovenia's accession to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and expressed contentment over the fact that Slovenia will preside over the EU in the first half of 2008, with Slovakia presiding over the Council of Europe. According to the Slovenian PM, this will be a time when both countries share responsibility for the future and welfare of Europe.
Both Prime Ministers held a press conference. (Photo: Srdjan Živulovič/Bobo)
Responding to a journalist's question at the press conference, Mr Janša outlined Slovenia's experience in modifying what had been up to this year one of the most progressive tax systems, and cautioned about the right balance between social security and economic motivation. He also replied to questions about reforming the healthcare system, pointing out that in Slovenia there is an ongoing debate about certain changes in healthcare. As regards the healthcare reform, there is the political issue of determining the border between private initiative boosting the efficiency of the system and jeopardising accessibility to healthcare services.
When asked about the missile shield, the Slovenian PM said that this was a defence mechanism, the aim of which is protection. He expressed the conviction that it would be much better if this issue were addressed within NATO, which was established to deal with such and similar issues.
Prime Minister Janez Janša and the Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico. (Photo: Srdjan Živulovič/Bobo)
Mr Janša also touched on the situation in Kosovo, saying that given the current state of affairs, Kosovo no longer seemed part of Serbia. According to the Slovenian PM, this is a political issue, which is particularly sensitive in Serbia for historical reasons. Slovenia has expressed support for the compromise proposed by the former Finnish president Ahtisaari, which allows for the conditional independence of Kosovo after a certain period. According to Mr Janša, Slovenia believes that this proposal would be the most easily realised in practice if Serbia were ensured a European perspective. In addition, consensus is needed within the UN Security Council. The Slovenian PM also stressed the significance of the EU adopting a unified position on this issue. "This is all the more important, since there is neither a practical nor theoretical solution that would be perfectly suited to all sides involved. A well-balanced decision from of the international community is therefore needed," said Mr Janša.
Tomorrow, the Slovenian PM will attend an international conference in Bratislava entitled Slovakia to Join the Eurozone, where he will present Slovenia's experience during the euro changeover. He will meet the President of the Slovak Republic, Ivan Gašparovič, and the President of the National Council of the Slovak Republic, Pavol Paška.