This morning, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Janez Janša, attended a celebration commemorating the 25th anniversary of Nova revija as the honorary speaker. He stressed the significance of the 57th issue of Nova revija saying that this issue is to Slovenes what the Declaration of Independence is to the United States of America.
(Photo: Nebojša Tejić/Salomon 2000)
According to Mr Janša, the 57th issue of Nova revija caused turmoil in the Yugoslav politics at the time. The leadership of the Central Committee of the League of Communists said it would do everything to prevent the ideas expressed in that issue from ever becoming reality. The PM remembered the meeting of the Central Committee on 15 April 1988 in Tacen, which he called "the summit of Slovenian repression". The meeting was attended by everyone who had the authority to decide about the use of repression, including the former President of Slovenia and former President of the Central Committee, Milan Kučan.
Mr Janša also quoted some things Mr Kučan had said at the meeting in Tacen, adding that from time to time it was necessary to have a look back at them, especially in the light of claims that life in Slovenia used to be better in the past. The PM said that lately we had been hearing different claims from important figures about how the situation used to be more democratic and free than it is today. According to him, the reason that such claims have been circulating in Slovenia may be all the decorations received by those who most outspokenly criticised the 57th issue of Nova revija. Mr Janša said that its chief critic and adversary was the Central Committee of the League of Communists, which was headed by Mr Kučan. "Therefore, the words of the latter need to be addressed, now that we are facing claims that life in Slovenia used to be better in the past," cautioned the PM.
"What emerged after the 57th issue is a success story. Since the independence we have had smooth development aimed at providing welfare for everyone," said the PM adding that the said issue of Nova revija was the basis for Slovenia's independence. "Words which were the result of extensive knowledge became flesh and a theoretical foundation of Nova revija," said the PM.
Mr Janša also remembered the important role of the former president of DEMOS, Jože Pučnik, and his words that Slovenian independence was, in its broadest sense, a cultural matter. In conclusion, the PM stressed that the project which had begun with the 57th issue was not completed. On the one hand, we have been seeing the realisation of the programme from the 57th issue of Nova revija and, consequently, the realisation of centennial dreams, while on the other hand, the programme reflects a strong desire for cultural liberation and the establishment of certain normal values. According to the PM, this part of the programme has not yet been fully realised, so both the generation that began the work and the one that is to continue it face difficult challenges in the future.