"Economic development in Slovenia and the Republic of Poland has shown positive trends, which gives optimism to business communities, and positively influences concrete collaboration," said Prime Minister Janez Janša following the talks with his host, the Prime Minister of Poland, Jaroslaw Kaczyński. On his one-day official visit to Warsaw, Mr Janša was accompanied by a strong delegation of over 40 Slovenian business representatives.

Upon his arrival to Warsaw Prime Minister Janez Janša was welcomed with military honours (Photo: Kristina Kosec/Bobo)
The PMs discussed the potentials for strengthening bilateral relations and deepening the dialogue on common Euro-Atlantic issues in the light of Slovenia's presidency of the EU in the first half of 2008. After the meeting, Mr Janša stressed that both Slovenia and Poland share a common fate within Euro-Atlantic organisations. The countries also share many views, also with regard to the current issue of the institutional future of the EU, the fate of the unratified Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe, and the enlargement and further development of the EU. "We have a similar opinion on strengthening the role of new member states in the European Union, and on expanding the notion of European identity after the changes we had witnessed and which in 2004 yielded a concrete result, namely, the biggest and last enlargement of the Union," said the PM.

Prime Minister Janez Janša and Prime Minister of Poland Jaroslaw Kaczyński (Photo: Kristina Kosec/Bobo)
On the occasion of the official visit by the Slovenian Prime Minister to Poland, a Slovenian-Polish business conference for business representatives of both countries was also organised, which was opened by the Slovenian Minister of the Economy, Andrej Vizjak. Poland ranks high among Slovenia's partners, and with Slovenian investments in Poland amounting to €133.4 million, the country is fifth on the list of Slovenia's target markets.

Prime Minister Janez Janša and Marshal of Senate Bogdan Borusewicz (Photo: Kristina Kosec/Bobo)
In Poland, there are some thirty Slovenian or Slovenian-Polish companies. Some of them are market leaders within their respective branches, while all expect production and growth to continue in the future. Trade in goods between the two countries has also increased (2005/2006: +31.5%), amounting to nearly €800 million in 2006. Both Slovenia's imports and exports increased steadily (+25% and +34.6% in comparison to 2005, respectively), and the trade surplus has remained in favour of Slovenia. Trade in services, on the other hand, is more modest (2006: 63%); however, trends are positive (+26%).

Prime Minister Janez Janša and President of Poland Lech Kaczyński (Photo: Kristina Kosec/Bobo)
In the afternoon, Mr Janša met with the President of the Republic of Poland, Lech Kaczyński. They both agreed that there was intensive business and cultural collaboration between the two countries while political dialogue has also strengthened. They discussed the enlargement of NATO and the EU, and reiterated their commitment to open-door policy based on meeting the necessary criteria. Mr Janša and Mr Kaczyński also expressed support for the clear European perspective of Croatia, Macedonia and other countries of the Western Balkans, and discussed the future status of Kosovo, pledging their support to a solution which would strengthen stability in the region.

Prime Minister Janez Janša and Speaker of Sejm Ludwik Dorn (Photo: Kristina Kosec/Bobo)
On this occasion Slovenian Prime Minister met with the Speaker of the Sejm, Ludwik Dorn, and the Marshal of the Senate of Poland, Bogdan Borusewicz.

Prime Minister Janez Janša also laid a wreath on the Tomb of an Unknown Soldier (Photo: Kristina Kosec/Bobo)