The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Janez Janša, who attended the opening ceremony of the 12th European Guide and Scout Conference stressed in his address that Scouting and Guiding are ways of living the values which an individual carries with him or her wherever they go.

(Photo: Arsen Perić/Salomon 2000)
"Being a Scout or a Guide entails much more than just loving nature, feeling connected with it, knowing it and protecting it. Trust, loyalty, mutual respect, friendship, and the willingness to help others are the principles you have chosen to abide by," said the PM, adding that these are the principles with which any individual can easily identify.
According to Mr Janša, the decision that, in preparing the agenda for the following three years, the conference place special emphasis on connecting the young with the view to promoting intercultural exchange, respecting differences and tackling prejudice, is in line with the tradition established by the founder of the Scouting movement, Sir Robert Baden-Powell, who sought to overcome imaginary borders and mutual differences.
The PM also stressed that intercultural and interdenominational dialogue are among the priorities of Slovenia's presidency of the EU, as the country believes that diversity and respect for it are that which can and must enrich the humankind. "Your meeting here, at the Slovenian coast, is a good example of mutual understanding," said the PM.
Mr Janša firmly believes that solidarity, and help to all those who either live on the edge of society or have been deprived in their lives in any way, are not and must not be solely the concern of Guides and Scouts, who have duly included this in their oath, rules and programmes of work, but should be the concern and ongoing commitment of all humankind.
"You can rightly be proud of your work and achievements. Others should learn about them, follow your example, become actively involved and join you," Prime Minister Janez Janša concluded his address to European Scouts and Guides.
Speech by the Prime Minister Janez Janša