News |
25.04.2007 |
Prime Minister Janez Janša answers questions from MPs in the National Assembly |
Today, at the 27th regular session of the National Assembly, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Janez Janša, answered four questions from MPs.

(Photo: Primož Lavre/Salomon 2000)
The MP Dušan Kumer (SD) asked the PM about the work of the Slovene Intelligence and Security Agency. Dr Matej Lahovnik (parliamentary group of unaffiliated MPs) inquired about government measures to solve the housing problems of young families. Barbara Žgajner Tavš (SNS) asked about the work of the government and the National Assembly during Slovenia's EU presidency. The last question was submitted by Kristjan Janc (SLS), who wanted to know the PM's view on economic and public financial indicators with regard to foreign and domestic institutions and how the government plans to ensure that current trends continue.
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