In the continuation of the 26th session of the National Assembly, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Janez Janša, presented MPs with a proposed Declaration on Orientations Regarding the Activities of the Republic of Slovenia within EU Institutions for January 2007 to June 2008, which contains key political orientations regarding the activities of the Republic of Slovenia in the coming period. Together with Slovenia's priorities for work in the Council of the European Union, the declaration provides a framework for shaping the views of the Republic of Slovenia which the government presents on a daily basis in the EU institutions.
(Foto: Primož Lavre/Salomon 2000)
The Prime Minister stressed that this declaration was particularly important, as it includes the period when Slovenia will preside over the EU. "This presidency is not only a government project, but a project of national significance," he said. Slovenia will be responsible for coordinating the views of 27 member countries, which, according to the PM, will be extremely strenuous. "It will take all the time and energy. Therefore we need to agree, at least to a minimum extent, that this work will not be used to create additional internal political tensions."
He also said that Slovenia is capable of carrying out its task and proving that new members of the EU can successfully preside over it. At the same time Slovenia wishes to make real progress on issues which need to be dealt with within the EU.