Today, the Core Working Group for the EU Presidency (CWG), headed by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Janez Janša, met at the February session to discuss a number of proposals regarding Slovenia's preparations for the EU presidency in the first half of 2008.
(Photo: Office of the Prime Minister)
The CWG focused mainly on reviewing the course of the preparations in terms of logistics and the agenda. Members of the CWG also discussed the quarterly reports drafted by all five sub-groups, expressed their views on the goals set for the coming quarter, and became acquainted with the preparations for managing more demanding areas.
The CWG also discussed the draft public communication strategy to be implemented during both the preparation period and Slovenia's tenure at the head of the EU. The strategy outlines the relations between the official speakers of individual ministries and government offices in Brussels. Members of the CWG assessed the situation in the field of public procurement, and were acquainted with additional procedures for their realisation.
Members of the CWG also approved the content of handbooks to be distributed to ministries and other competent bodies to make the task of presiding over the EU in the first half of 2007 less daunting. As part of the preparations, a seminar for ministers will be held at the end of this month, with Catherine Day, the Secretary General of the European Commission, and Bertel Haarder, Danish Education Minister, as keynote speakers.