Today the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Janez Janša, welcomed prime ministers, ministers and other high officials from the EU member states, the President of the European Commission and the President of the European Central Bank, who attended the 'A Welcome to the Euro' ceremony in Ljubljana in the afternoon. Before the ceremony in Cankarjev dom, the Prime Minister hosted an informal working lunch for prime ministers at Bled.

(Photo: Primož Lavre/Salomon 2000)
In his speech at the ceremony the Prime Minister said that the adoption of the euro was an important step for Slovenia and the European Union. He thanked the nations and leaders of Western Europe and Euro-Atlantic organisations, because during the Cold War they had maintained, defended and developed a space of freedom, democracy and economic progress.
"They created and strengthened the EU as the common home of these values. Without this, the nations freed from Communism would have had nothing to join. Without the EU, Europe and its nations would be facing a bleak future," said the PM.
Also of great significance was their decision to open up Europe; to invite into it all those who seek to share the same values, and adopt shared standards. The PM stressed that Slovenia's adoption of the common European currency – the first country in the group of new EU member states to do so – confirms that the latest enlargement has been a success and, above all, confirms that the EU can develop and become stronger.

(Photo: Primož Lavre/Salomon 2000)
"Since the disintegration of Yugoslavia, Slovenia has had a successful journey of development and transition. Today marks the landmark of a new successful step," said Mr Janša, adding that we owed our gratitude to many who helped today's historic moment come about. First and foremost he stressed the role of the Slovenian tolar, which had proved to be a good and successful currency, without which this giant leap would have been impossible. He also noted the significant contributions of the prime ministers and members of previous cabinets, particularly finance ministers, Members of the National Assembly, and governors and members of the governing board of the Bank of Slovenia for their timely and correct decisions on this strenuous journey.
"For the first time, Slovenes have become part of a great European project. The project is so extensive and has such far-reaching consequences that the first attempts were justly called not the European Union, but European dreams." The PM said that the EU was undoubtedly the most successful strategic political project of the last century and the most successful example of international cooperation and integration in the history of humanity, and a place where an understanding of peoples’ interdependence and of man and nature had come a long way. "These are solid foundations, on the basis of which effective solutions to the problems the EU is facing can be found," added the PM.

(Photo: Nebojša Tejić/Salomon 2000)
Mr Janša also said that we also need to think about changes when we are doing well, as this is the only way in which the development of the EU would be successful. "We will be able to do this if we realise our responsibilities to a common European home and not only our rights, and if we realise our responsibility to coming generations of Europeans (...)The introduction of a common European currency has provided a timely answer to the challenges of the future, an answer which recognises our responsibility to future generations of Europeans. This proves that there are no insoluble problems and no dreams are out of reach." According to the PM, this is why we have to dare to dream and set high goals, as Europe needs every dream and hope of every European. Mr Janša concluded that in this way Europe will be not only a place of efficiency and excellence, but also a place of good.
Speech by the Prime Minister Janez Janša