Fellow Citizens of Slovenia,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The 15th year of the Slovenian independence is coming to an end. The path we have left behind may well be considered a successful one. At the time when we opted for independence, there were some who did not predict a bright future for us. However, we have been successful and today Slovenia is a developed European country, a full member of the European Union and Nato and has high set goals. In 2008, we are going to be the first new EU Member State to hold Presidency of the EU, one of the largest integrations of States worldwide. The Slovene language may be heard today in Brussels and Strasbourg on an equal footing with all other European languages, which is something that could only be wished for throughout our history. This great Slovenian success simply must not be overlooked.
Slovenia has put the period of independence to good use. We took the responsibility for our future onto our shoulders and we have built a successful nation, which enjoys respect and esteem across the world. A major expectation connected with the gaining of independence of Slovenia was to reach a quality of life comparable to that of Western Europe. No doubt, good economic performance, which we have been seeing lately, makes this an achievable goal.
Today, Slovenia is following the right course, economic performance indicators are excellent. With a growth rate surpassing 5 %, one of the lowest inflation rates has been recorded, as well as a high rate of employment growth. All indicators show that this trend will be continued in the future. The results of the sound and successful economy will be felt by each of us, as there will be new employment opportunities, higher salaries, pensions, scholarships, and, for those in distress, higher social assistance benefits. It is for this reason that economic development will remain a top priority for us also in the coming year. Along with that we shall endeavour also to develop social prosperity and solidarity and we shall not neglect the values that shape our future.
The world has undergone global changes over the recent past. Slovenia is ready for the challenges stemming from these changes. Our knowledge and experience provide assurance that we shall find proper solutions and answers to the questions our future will pose to us. A better future is awaiting generations which currently live in Slovenia than it has ever before been offered to our predecessors.
The Slovenian Government takes upon itself the responsibility for the creation of favourable conditions for economic development and creativity of the nation in all spheres of life. The future will bring us a whole plethora of new opportunities. Let us be open, let us face the challenges with trust and self-confidence. I am confident that in any critical moment we shall be able, as we were in the past, to unite our abilities and capacities and bravely take decisions that will be right for our future.
Despite the political diversity in our everyday life, we should remain committed to finding a national consensus on all strategic issues, as we were in those historical days of December 16 years ago. On the occasion of Independence and Unity Day, I sincerely congratulate all citizens of Slovenia.