Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Janez Janša, stops in Koper today to visit the Russian training sailship Sedov, built in 1921 in Kiel. At this occasion he said that special feelings arise when boarding the ship, entered into the Guinness Book of Records as the world's biggest floating traditionally built sailing vessel.
PHOTO: Nebojša Tejić, Salomon 2000
Today, Sedov is used primarily to train sailors, ship engineers and radio operators. According to the Prime Minister, this visit enhances a series of important friendly events that have taken place this year between the representatives of Slovenia and the Russian Federation. In his speech, Janša mentioned the visit of a strong Government and economic delegation in Moscow in May, where a number of bilateral agreements were signed to further and strength the already good cooperation between the countries in the economic, political, defence, customs and cultural areas.
"During the talks held with the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, and the Russian Prime Minister, Mikhail Fradkov, we established that the goal set in the past – USD 1 milliard of trading goods between the countries – was achieved and can be increased or doubled in the coming years," said the Prime Minister. He added that there were ample opportunities for cooperation also based on the fact that Slovenia was a maritime country with a modern port in Koper, which enabled the establishment of actual contacts and facilitated fruitful cooperation notably in this area.
The Prime Minister concluded by thanking to the shipmaster, its crew and cadettes to enable the visit of the Sedov and whished them a pleasant stay in Slovenia, hoping they would be always keen on coming back.