News |
01.11.2006 |
Prime Minister Janez Janša pays homage to the nation's dead |
On Remembrance day, Slovenia's Prime Minister, Janez Janša, accompanied by the state delegation led by the President of the Republic laid a wreathe at the Monument to the nation's war dead who fought against the occupational forces during 1941-1945, at the Memorial monument to the dead in the war for Slovenia in 1991 and at the feet of the Reconciliation limetree (slovene national reconciliation symbol) at the Žale cemetery in Ljubljana.
 PHOTO by: Arsen Perić/Salomon 2000 Later on, Mr. Janša laid a wreathe at the monument erected in remembrance of the victims of the post-war executions at the Slovenska Bistrica cemetery, as well as at the Memorial site of the Zgornja Bistrica underground gallery sheltering the remains of the victims transferred to this place from the Konfin chasm of Kočevski rog.
PHOTO by: Primož Lavre/Salomon 2000
At Črešnjevec pri Slovenski Bistrici, Slovenia's Prime Minister laid a wreathe at the grave of dr. Jože Pučnik, who was one of the crucial persons in the process of obtaining the Republic of Slovenia independence.
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