News |
25.10.2006 |
Brdo pri Kranju: Slovenia's Prime Minister uncovers the Memorial plaque on the occasion of its 15th independence anniversary |
Today, Slovenia's Prime Minister, Mr. Janez Janša, assisted the ceremony of uncovering the Memorial plaque on the occasion of Slovenia's 15th independence anniversary at Brdo pri Kranju. In his speech, Mr. Janša reminded of certain important events, which took place in this locality during the time of creation of the Slovene state, but seem to be less known to a broader public.
PHOTO by: Arsen Perić/Salomon 2000 «During the period characterized by the efforts to obtain national independence, the Brdo pri Kranju area was a place of a number of important stocking locations for military equipment kept there for the time when the upcoming Slovene independence would demand protection by real force», said Slovenia's Prime Minister. He also recalled the day when within preparations for independence framework the Slovene Territorial Defence battalion of Gorenjska was formed up at the nearby hippodrome; this battalion was entrusted the task of protecting the Brnik national airport. According to Prime Minister's words, this event was an important experience serving as a base for certain subsequent decisions relating to the image of the future Territorial Defence Force image. Another important event of the time was the meeting of a majority of Slovenia's Government members and of the major part of the then coalition members, held at Račji otok on 28 April 1991. «At that time, it had become perfectly clear that the plebiscitary decision taken by the Slovenes was not something that could be proclaimed solely on a formal basis; it required, in addition, to be implemented in practice and to be defended accordingly», added Mr. Janša. At the mentioned meeting, practically all participants fully committed themselves to work for the independence of Slovenia even in cases when the worst of the scenarios was to happen. «This decision was of crucial importance because of the fact that the things which usually happen in a slow way occurred considerably faster and because Slovenia was concretely ready for a step which it actually took on 25 June 1991», pointed out Mr. Janša and added that the mentioned meeting triggered a series of other meetings not only with a view to achieving the national independence but also with a view to securing survival not only for the crucial days ahead but also for all those that were to follow later on. »Slovenia gained independence, it came under attack and managed to defend itself. Considerable part of preparations for the mentioned steps were taken at Brdo, here in this cottage behind my back, and I think that it is right to set up a memorial in remembrance of those events. In addition, I believe that after 15 years that passed we owe special thanks to all those who took part in the then events, discussions and decisions», concluded the Prime Minister.
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