The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Janez Janša, will participate in the informal meeting of Heads of State and Government of the EU Member States to be held on Friday, 20 October 2006, in Lahti, Finland. The main focus of this meeting, held under the Finnish Presidency, will be innovation and energy policies in the EU.
The discussion on EU energy policy is one of the efforts to answer the need for Member States to speak with one voice on this issue. Such a commitment to common aims would strengthen the capability of the EU to respond effectively to changes in global energy markets. The main topics of discussion will be energy issues concerning the relationship between the EU and the Russian Federation and the enhancement of cooperation between the EU and other neighbouring regions. On this occasion, the participants of the informal meeting will also examine ways to improve the collection of data that provide a basis for common decision-making in the area of EU energy policy, thus enabling a more effective response to energy crises.
In developing an innovation policy, which will also be a subject of discussion at the meeting in Lahti, the European Union wishes to create a working environment that would stimulate innovation and successful implementation in practice. In this context, appropriate financing, protection of intellectual property, development of effective standardization procedures and enhancement of cooperation between universities and companies are of significant importance.
Moreover, the Heads of State and Government of the EU Member States will also address the issue of immigration policy, since the problem of illegal immigration concerns the entire EU. Furthermore, the EU has to design a comprehensive and effective policy on both legal and illegal immigration in this field. It is envisaged that the discussion on this issue will continue in the European Council in December in Brussels. In addition, the participants also intend to address the current situation in the Sudanese region of Darfur.
After closing the informal meeting, the Heads of State and Government will meet the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, at a working dinner.
The central topic will be the development of a strategic partnership between the EU and Russia, along with cooperation in energy issues.
Programme for Friday, 20 October 2006
Arrival of the Prime Minister and delegation of the Republic of Slovenia to Lahti
Venue: Sibelius Hall Congress Centre
The host, Prime Minister of the Republic of Finland Matti Vanhanen, will welcome the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia.
Working lunch of the Heads of delegations with the topic “External relations with regard to energy”
Venue: Sibelius Hall Congress Centre, Metäshalli Hall
Heads of State and Government group photograph
Afternoon working session on the topic “Innovation policy”
Venue: Sibelius Hall Congress Centre
Closing of the afternoon session
Statement by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Janez Janša, for the Slovenian media
Venue: Lahti Fair Centre, Media Centre
Heads of State and Government group photograph with the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin
Working dinner of the Heads of State and Government and the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, with the topic “Strategic partnership and external relations with regard to energy”
Venue: Sibelius Hall Congress Centre, Metäshalli Hall