News |
15.09.2006 |
The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Janez Janša, opened new ventures at Jesenice |
The Prime Minister Janša opened new ventures of the Acroni Jesenice and the SPG – SOL Plini Gorenjska companies today. On that occasion he underlined that throughout the world the technological development based on own knowledge, innovation and state-of-the-art technology is of key importance for long-term successful performance in demanding foreign markets. As regards the local environment and the region, endeavours to organise work processes in a way enabling maximum environmental protection are essential.
PHOTO: Arsen Perić/Salomon 2000
In his speech, the Prime Minister said that in the Eighties and Nineties, the world steel industry underwent a thorough restructuring due to changed market circumstances. According to Janša, investments in modern production processes improved the performance of steel companies, the labour productivity raised substantially and strategic alliances between the largest steel concerns strengthened their competitiveness. Alongside the rehabilitation and restructuring of the industry, new modern technologies were being developed enabling not only the development of new products but also the reduction of environmental emissions. "Among factors shaping development, the responsibility for the environment is evidently in the forefront," said Janša and continued by reminding that restructuring of Slovenia's steel industry was not reached easily. State support was also needed. By 2002, when the State support to the steel industry concluded, EUR 280 million were invested in the preservation of this industry.
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