The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Janez Janša, attended the final day of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM 6 Summit) in Helsinki. Against the backdrop of the summit he met the Prime Minister of the People's Republic of China, Wen Jiabao, to discuss economic cooperation between the countries, and several political issues.
Prime Minister Janez Janša met Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao (PHOTO: BOBO)
Both Prime Ministers agreed that economic cooperation has been increasing, and since the recent signing of the Agreement on Trade and Economic Cooperation, rests on more solid administrative foundations. "As a future EU presiding country, Slovenia is even more interesting for China, as there are certain unresolved issues between Beijing and the EU," said the Slovenian PM, adding that China was important to Slovenia as a permanent member of the UN Security Council. In concluding, Mr Janša appealed to his Chinese counterpart to continue its constructive role in the world, particularly in the Balkan region.
The Slovenian Prime Minister also attended the Dialogue Among Cultures and Civilizations meeting, where he also addressed other Presidents and Prime Ministers. He emphasised the significance of cultural and intellectual dialogue for advancing relations between Europe and Asia. "Slovenia has always placed great significance on intercultural dialogue; the reason lies partly in historical facts. We Slovenes have managed to live at the meeting point of three great European cultures: Slavic, Germanic and Latin. In addition, our history boasts a number of historic figures: intellectuals, politicians, explorers, missionaries, traders and adventurers, who centuries ago explored the interesting world of Asian cultures and reported about it to their European contemporaries. Today, the situation is similar. Slovenia has a growing number of students of Asian cultures and languages, our higher education institutions have established links with universities in Asia, the number of literary translations is on the increase, and so is cultural exchange, while diplomatic contacts are strengthening, and trade is growing," said the PM.
According to Mr Janša, Slovenia will dedicate special attention to intercultural dialogue during her EU tenure in 2008, particularly as she strives to contribute to further strengthening dialogue and cultural awareness in Europe. Such goals are in line with the proposal of the European Commission to designate 2008 as the European Year of intercultural dialogue.
"The message of today's meeting must be a clear ''no'' to the claim that there are insurmountable differences between civilisations. I firmly believe that Europe and Asia are connected through their commitment to dialogue, humanity, and justice, which remain at the core of our cooperation. I therefore believe that the flow of capital, energy and labour will soon be joined by a strengthened flow of know-how, culture, interdenominational dialogue, and initiatives from civil society. Thus, coming European generations will come to know their Asian friends better, while the youth of the Far East will perceive Europe as a continent of friends with whom it is a pleasure to talk to and trade with. Let this be our common vision," concluded the Slovenian PM.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Janez Janša, meets the Prime Minister of the Republic of Singapore, Lee Hsien Loong (PHOTO: BOBO)
In the afternoon, the PM meet the Prime Minister of Singapore, Lee Hsien Loong, and held a series of informal talks with other Presidents and Prime Ministers. He said that this year's summit was a joint opportunity: for multilateral discussions – the ASEM Summit is one of the most important meetings apart from the UN General Assembly – and for various bilateral meetings.

Prime Minister Janez Janša and his Japanese counterpart, Junichiro Koizumi (PHOTO: BOBO)
On the occasion of the fifth anniversary of terrorist attacks on the USA , EU and Asian leaders paid their respects to all the victims with a minute of silence, and stressed that these horrific attacks proved that no country or people was safe from the terrorist threat.
The Address of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia